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REVIVAL ARMY JOF, series 82 Journey of Freedom.

JOF series 82

Journey of freedom


Dr. Deborah Macfoy Akachukwu.

Prayer Focus: Dealing with evil altars

Scripture: Deuteronomy 7:5
[5]But thus shall ye deal with them; ye shall destroy their altars, and break down their images, and cut down their groves, and burn their graven images with fire.


An altar is a place where transaction are done with natural and supernatural, it is a legal gateway through which spirit are granted access to the earth realm. An altar is a place of exchange. It’s a place of sacrifice. Altars have priest that offer sacrifice and watch over them. Every altar have spirit that serve them. It is a place where destiny can be altered.

Some operations of evil altar.

1. It incapacitates a man’s potential

2. Alters destiny.

3. It hinders progress.

4. It is a place glory of men are exchanged.

5. It can grant access to demons to oppress and attack your destiny.

Prayer points.

1. Eternal King of Glory, the creator of the heavens and earth and everything in it, we bless your holy Name.

2. Father in the name of Jesus, we thank you for redeeming us with the blood of your son Jesus.

3. Every altar seating on my destiny causing setbacks and disappointments to me and my family, be destroyed by fire in Jesus name.

4. Any person consulting evil altar to hinder my progress and advancement, receive divine judgement, in Jesus mighty name.

5.Every sacrifice on any evil altar crying against my destiny, be silenced by the blood of Jesus.

6. Altars, standing against favour, blessings and wealth from locating my life and family, catch fire, in Jesus mighty name.

7. Let every damage in my life due to evil altars, be repaired now, in Jesus mighty name.

8. Oh Lord, arise and destroy evil pattern in my family due to evil altars, in the mighty name of Jesus.

9. Every strongman assigned to slaughter destiny and glory, let the sword of the Lord slay you now, in Jesus mighty name.

10. Let the source of strength to every evil altar against my life and family, be destroyed permanently, in Jesus mighty name.

11. Every personality assigned to rebuild evil altars after destruction, die, in Jesus mighty name.

12. Thank you Father for answered prayers, in Jesus mighty name.

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