JOF series 69
Journey of freedom
Dr. Deborah Macfoy Akachukwu.
Prayer Focus: The Word.
Scripture: 2Timothy 2:15
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
The word of God is a sure tool of victory over all challenges and issues of life. When you know the word, it profits you and delivers you from shame and captivity. It is the very power that can generates enough light that will lead you safely in this world that is full of darkness. Staying on the word daily, delivers from error, falsehood and compromise. It brings you closer to God and aligns your heart to God’s will.
How to study the word.
- Come with a meek heart. James 1:21.
- Study on purpose. ( Text,character, epistle,)
- Be equipped. ( jotter and biro, bible concordance, Bible references,)
- Stay in an atmosphere that is conducive.
Prayer Point.
- Eternal Father, we give you praise, for you have exalted your word above all your name.
- Mighty living God, we thank you for the privilege of opening our eyes to behold thy wondrous truth out of your law.
- Faithful God, we thank you for the faithfulness and tender mercies you have shown us.
- Oh Lord, give me appetite for your word.
- Oh Lord, open my eyes, to see the wondrous truth in your word.
- Father, separate me from anything that is killing my passion for the word, in Jesus name.
- Oh Lord, cause me to abide, with the truth of the word.
- I shake off every veil, covering my eyes from seeing the light of the word.
- Oh Lord, open the eyes of my understanding.
- Father in the name of Jesus, cause me to obey the word of life and profit from it as I study.
- I receive grace to study your word and understand it, in the name of Jesus.
- Thank you father for answered prayers,in Jesus name.