JOF series 41
Dr. Deborah Macfoy Akachukwu.
Acts 12:10
When they were past the first and the second ward, they came unto the iron gate that leadeth unto the city; which opened to them of his own accord: and they went out, and passed on through one street; and forthwith the angel departed from him.
This is the season when we shall see the intervention of the angels, And this will manifest only when continuous prayer is engaged with revelation. The enemy rose to destroy them by shutting Peter up in prison. This is what the early church encountered When they prayed to experience the power of God and its victory; Until the great gate of the city is opened, there will be limitations and little result. These gates are stubborn spirits that will always want to hinder Destiny, resist what God is doing, hold a man to a spot and they will forcefully refuse him access to great abundance. Therefore our heart must be fixed on God, determined, intentional, and deliberate to see His power and Glory made manifest in our lives.
These powers are specialized in:
- Imprisonment of destiny
- Shutting the gates of destiny.
- Hindering manifestation of Glory.
- Jehovah Shammah, you are the God of the whole universe. Let all glory and adoration be unto your holy name.
- The covenant-keeping God, I thank you for your promises, which you have started doing in my life.
- My Father, I thank you immensely for you alone have been my help in times of trouble and tribulation.
- My Father, we thank you for your mercy upon our lives and families.
- Every iron gate the enemy has shut against me, family, business, ministry, to limit my harvest, break open now, in Jesus mighty name.
- O Lord, arise, scatter and discomfit them that have vowed to frustrate my life, in the mighty name of Jesus.
- Let the angels of our harvest be activated now, in Jesus name.
- O Lord, grant us easy access to abundance, in Jesus name.
- O Lord, mighty in battle, arise and contend with every stubborn gatekeeper contending with my blessings, in Jesus mighty name.
- My Father My Fighter, let any gate that needs to be opened for us to experience God’s Glory and victory be opened now, in Jesus mighty name.
- Every ancient gate, opposing the increase and expansion that is allocated to me, be lifted now, in Jesus mighty name.
- Oh Lord, let every limitation in any area of our life, be destroyed completely,in Jesus mighty name.