JOF series 24
Dr. Deborah Macfoy Akachukwu.
Luke 5:4
Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught.
There are dimensions in the spirit that are not touched on the peripheral, there are things you cannot see on the surface, it requires a man going Deep in God for it to be revealed. The dimensions of fruitfulness is not accessed on the surface, it requires launching deep in the spirit. For the root must go down for the tree to bear fruit upwards.
Things that launch you to the deep.
- Holiness
- Obedience
- Daily study of the word.
- Fasting and prayer.
- Living a purposeful life.
Prayer point:
- Oh Lord, my God, blessed be your holy Name both now and forever more.
- Father, we thank you for the gift of life.
- Oh Lord, we thank you for your great goodness and mercy you have shown us.
- Oh Lord, we thank you for drawing us closer to know you.
- Oh Lord cause me to have a perfect hatred for sin, iniquity, and wickedness, in Jesus mighty name.
- Let the strength of the flesh weighing my spirit down, be cut off, in the name of Jesus.
- Every weight that Will not allow me to go deep in the knowledge of God and of his will, be removed, in Jesus mighty name.
- Every power assigned to resist my advancement and progress, your assignment is over, be arrested now, in Jesus name.
- Every wall of limitation that is limiting my life, be pulled down by thunder, in Jesus mighty name.
- Oh Lord, reveal yourself to me, cause me to hunger for More of you.
- Oh Lord, let every distraction that is programmed to lead me astray, be crushed now, in Jesus mighty name.
- Thank you Father for answered prayers, in Jesus mighty name.