JOF series 8
Dr. Deborah Macfoy Akachukwu.
Matthew 6:22
The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.
There are many things that consist of waste in your lives, which you must dispose in order to focus on the journey ahead. If you desire to see clearly, then know your eye must be single; This means you must put total concentration on the course. Looking here and there will only cause you to waste your time and energy because it will not yield a positive result. Therefore Let us push aside all the things that bring distraction.
Things that keep you focused.
- Trust in God.
- Clear conscience towards God and your neighbor.
- Reading and studying the word.
- Meditating on the word of God.
- Singing hymns, Psalms and spiritual songs.
- Avoid the company of the ungodly.
- Keep away from all forms of defilement.
Prayer Point.
- Mighty Living God, we bless and magnify your holy Name, blessed be your holy name forever.
- The only true God, you are worthy to be praised and exalted, you that made the heavens and the earth.
- Immortal redeemer, we thank you for delivering us from all snares of distraction.
- Oh Lord, we thank you for the great and deep mercy you have shown us again and again. Thank you Jesus.
- Oh Lord, keep my eyes focused on you, especially in this season, in Jesus name.
- Oh Lord, take away every weight that will not allow me to Walk with you in this season, in Jesus name.
- Oh Lord, let every Satanic distraction projected to divert my attention, be dismantled and destroyed by fire, in Jesus mighty name .
- Oh Lord, every spirit, personality, power assigned to stop me from accomplishing this spiritual exercise, your time is up, be arrested now by fire, in Jesus name.
- Powers of distraction, gathering to stop me, scatter by fire, in the name of Jesus.
- Father in the name of Jesus, I receive grace to stay focus.
- Oh Lord, let your hand rest upon me for good in this season, in Jesus mighty name.
- Thank you Father for answered prayers, in Jesus mighty name.