Series AGG 006
PRAYER FOR SUPERNATURAL REALMS OF ABUNDANT GRACE AND GLORY:Romans 8:14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
Revival is a function of the spirit, until the spirit quickens men, there will be no revival. There are mighty things God wants to do on the surface of the earth,but there are no men of the spirit that are available to do it. When we go before the Lord with a broken heart and a contrite spirit and with a humble heart, then will the Lord look upon us. It is only those that are led by the spirit of God that are the sons of God.
1. Father of Glory I bless your name for you are awesome.
2. Awesome God, how great thou art,you are great and mighty are your miracles.
3. Father I thank you for lifting my life from the coldness and lukewarmness in this generation.
4. Father thank you for your mercy and Grace upon my life in this season of prayer.
5. Merciful Father,show me your mercy according to the multitude of your tender mercy.
6. Oh Lord by your mercy deliver me from every snare of the enemy that drag people back to sin,in the name of Jesus.
7. Oh Lord open my ears to hear you clearly so that I can always follow the leading of the Holyspirit,in Jesus mighty name.
8. Lord Jesus I pray,Let my spiritual eyes be opened that I may see you and Know you the way you are,in the name of Jesus.
9. Let my eyes of understanding be opened so that I might comprehend the scriptures, in Jesus mighty name.
10. Holyspirit of the living God,teach me to be truthful and obedient,in the name of Jesus.
11. Holyspirit of the living God, direct my paths and lead me in the path of light,in the name of Jesus.
12. Holyspirit of the living God,lead me to the solid Rock,so that my feet might be established,in the presence of God,in Jesus name.