Text: Psalms 85:6, 80:19, 51:10, James: 4:8, Hab 3:2, 2Tim 3:1-5, Isaiah 57:15,
2 Chronicles 7:14 says; If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
Revival is what we need in the body of Christ today. Heaven is in search of believers who are God-conscious and not conscious of material possessions. Revival is the cry of the season. This piece will be drawing you to a place of heart-felt prayers on revival with the scriptures.
As you engage in these prayer points on revival, be expectant because the fire of God in you will rekindle afresh again, the zeal of God on your inside will come alive and the passion for God will increase in you in Jesus name. As you pray these prayers, there is going to be a stirring of fresh hunger of God in your life. The Lord shall encounter you like never before as you pray.
Every Christian needs personal revival, every church needs a revival, every generation, needs a revival. To be revived means to rekindle your zeal afresh for God, it means to be hot again for God. It means a renewal of life. A quickening of the spirit. It means to rise from slumber. It means to collide with the fresh fire of the Lord. It means to be raised from spiritual decadence and death.
Specifically, we must cry out for revival for:
- Sin. Sin in the world today is becoming legalized, the abominations of the pasts are fast becoming the norms of the present. Sin has even crept into the church, these days we hear of pastors committing unbelievable sins. That is why we need revival in the church, we need God to raise more godly people, people who will not be corrupted by this sinful world. We need more spirit-filled and spirit-controlled believers to stand for Christ in this end times. When God visits, the outcome is revival. We need to cry out for revival because evil is now taking the lead. A cry for revival is necessary in a time like this when darkness is thriving among believers. We must cry out for revival now calling the name of the Lord is like making noise. We must pull the trigger of revival now in order to silence the voice of the wicked.
- The Gospel: another reason why we need a revival, is so that the Gospel can continue to spread. We live in a generation where people no longer preach the gospel as they ought to, people are now being economical with the gospel of Christ. Even those that preach, do it in error. People are perverting the gospel and using it to manipulate and extort others. We need a revival, people that will go to the highways, the hedges and compel people to come to Christ. People that will preach christ and not church. People that will not be ashamed to tell others about Jesus Christ. We need a revival.
All over the scriptures, we discovered that revival comes with sides which are:
- Mercy and
- Judgment
Whenever revival takes place, the mercy of the Lord is radically extended to His people and those that are ready to repent. Whereas judgment becomes the lot of the wicked that are bent on doing evil. In the days of Herod in Acts chapter 12, he (Herod) became the scapegoat. He resisted the growth of the word of God and really vexed the church, Acts 12:1. But when God visited, he was judged (vs 23), and in vs 24, the word of God began to grow and multiply. That was revival. In the days of revival, the Lord shows mercy to His people by judging the enemies that are resisting them from serving Him and reawakens their passion afresh for Him. The day God visited Egypt, the children of Israel experienced the mercy of the Lord but the Egyptians experienced His judgment. Position yourself on the side of mercy now as we wait on His visitation.
There are three main agents of revival:
- The Word of God
- Prayers.
- Man.
God uses these three machineries to kick start revival. For revival to kick start. Men must return to God in the place of Word and prayer. God does not kick start revival through a vacuum. Man is always in the equation. On the day God visited Baal, Elijah was the man factor on the ground. And he was a man of prayer. He will always say, “before God whom I stand“. So he was a man of the Word. You can’t stand before God without hearing His Word.
So to be able to function in this revival program of God, you must get to the place of the word and prayers.
There are many reasons why the Church needs a revival, we are going to be looking at two.
Prayer Points
- Father, I thank you for the gift of salvation in Jesus name
- Father, I thank you for the power of the Holy Spirit.
- Father, by the blood of Jesus, wash me of all my sins and strengthen me by your spirit in Jesus name.
- Father, fill me afresh with the power of your Spirit
- Father, let every unbroken area in my life be broken, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, incubate me with the fire of the Holy Spirit, in Jesus’ name.
- Every anti-power bondage in my life, I command you break, in Jesus’ name.
- O Lord, let all strangers flee from my spirit and let the Holy Spirit take control, in the name of Jesus.
- O Lord, catapult my spiritual life to glory.
- Father, let heavens open and let your glory fall upon humanity, in the name of Jesus.
- I decree the joy of the oppressors over the nations of the earth be turned into sorrow, in the name of Jesus.
- Let all multiple strongmen operating against the breakout of revival be destroyed, in the name of Jesus.
- Lord, open the eyes and ears of men to receive wondrous things from you.
- Lord, grant me victory over temptation and satanic device.
- Lord, ignite my spiritual life so that I can be a source of revival to others
- Lord, release Your tongue of fire upon your church and burn away all spiritual filthiness present within.
- Father, create your fresh hunger and thirst for righteousness in the church in the name of Jesus.
- Lord, help me to be ready to do your work without expecting any recognition from others.
- Lord, give me victory over the hold of weaknesses and sins
- O Lord, take your church back to the old path for a greater exploit.
- Sweet Holy Spirit, invade the nations of the world with your refiner’s fire and uproot darkness.