There is a big difference between Prayer, supplication, and Warfare. Spiritual Warfare is the war against strongholds, evil altars, bad thoughts, demonic powers. It is a struggle in you to take back what was stolen from you, to establish things in your life and to destroy the works of the enemy etc. Though we live in the world, we are not of the world, and the battle is not a physical battle. (2Corinthians 10:3-5)
- We have battle of the mind
- Battle against evil/faulty foundation
- Battle of the flesh etc.
For us to win this battle, we must stand firm, and be strong in the Lord, putting on the full armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18).
Warfare takes place in the spirit realm, whatever you see happening physically have already taken place in the spirit because the spirit controls the physical. The outcome determines whether you are victorious or a victim.
Discerning the spirit responsible for a particular problem will make your warfare specific and effective for example: when a marine witchcraft spirit is at work in a territory, you will see and notice misfortune, immorality, sorcery, divination, and enchantment. When you are in the war zone you should put on your spiritual antenna for accurate discernment. In Warfare, you must be able to dictate and discern the enemy’s voice, ie guilt, fear, self-condemnation, hatred, doubt, etc. Learn to take authority over the voice and it will cease.
Spiritual warfare is not giving the devil more attention or focusing too much on his evil ways. Biblical warfare is making ourselves more attentive to what God is doing and remembering to stand firm and let Him fight our fiercest battles. There’s power through His Spirit, His word, and in prayer, and we can be confident that He is always with us, leading our way and covering us from behind.
You must be able to know and master the enemy’s techniques. You don’t fight and retreat but always sensitive, alert and ready for battle because the devil walks about like a roaring lion seeking for who to devour (1Peter 5:8). You don’t lose focus 2 Timothy 2:4, you must have your skills ready and know the rules/guideline very well. Your only skill and guideline is the Word of God, you must always study, believe, trust and act or practice it daily.
- No retreat no surrender
- Endurance
- Focused
- Passion to please their Chief Commander (God).
- Master the rules (Bible)
- They rejoice, praise and testify over their victory.
Ephesians 6:10-18, 2Corinthians 10:3-5, 1Timothy 1:18, John 16:33, Psalm 110:1-2, Exodus 15:3-4,6-7, Psalm 11:4-7, 37:14-15, 17:13, 46:9-10, 47:2-3, 58:6-8, 10-11, Isaiah 42:13, Numbers 23:33, Jeremiah 51:20, Revelation 12:11.
- Warfare is seasonal.
- Be steady and focus on the vision God has given you.
- God allowed crisis in your life, for you to birth something new and supernatural.
- It is a test to measure our maturity level in the spiritual realm.
- Enlargement of capacity- power to function and comprehend something new and bigger in life.
- Winning is a decision…
- Submit yourself totally to God Almighty, resist the devil and he will flee from you. (James 4:7)
- Put on the whole Armor of God (Ephesians 6:11-17).
- Ask for the empowerment of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8, Romans 8:26).
- Pray without ceasing ( Luke 18:1, Ephesians 6:18, James 5:16).
- Always Praise and worship God (Psalm 22:3, 2Chronicles 20:22).
- Obedience to God (James 4:7, 2Corinthians 10:5).
- Always plead and apply the Blood of Jesus (Revelation 12:11).
- Ask for Angelic assistance (Psalm 91).
- You must be strong and courageous to stand under fire, attack, etc. (Joshua 1: 7).
- Thank you dear father for the awakening to spiritual things and a new level of spiritual maturity in Jesus name.
- I pray for fresh fire upon my prayer life, that I will no longer be complacent in the place of prayer in Jesus name.
- In humility I ask that you teach me how to fight my spiritual battles and achieve more victories against my adversaries in Jesus name.
- I ask for angelic assistance that I will no longer pray amiss but my supplication will be heard in Jesus name.
- Father, open my spiritual eyes to see beyond the physical realm in Jesus name
- I fortify myself with the armour of God and the word of God to be always ready for spiritual warfare in Jesus name. Ephesians 6:11
- I ask for the grace of God to exercise the authority given me to trample upon snakes and scorpions and they shall not hurt me in Jesus name.
- I declare that I am God’s battle axe and weapons of war, and no power shall be able to oppose my warfare in Jesus Name. Amen (isa:51:20)
- I announce that the power for warfare and victory have been given to me and nothing shall by any means hurt me. In Jesus name amen. (Luke:10:19)
- I take charge of my spiritual gates and I ask for fresh fire to fall upon the altars of my life in Jesus name.
- I command a complete halt to the operations of demons waring against my spiritual growth in the name of Jesus (Ephesian 6 vs 11)
- I refuse to be an instrument in the hands of the enemy to wage war in the church of God in Jesus name.
- I declare that I am a vessel unto honour endowed with spiritual gifts to do exploits for the Lord in Jesus name.
JAMES 5:16b “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much” (NKJV).
- Oh Jehovah Gibbor, teach me to pray always in time of difficulties.
- Father empower me in the place of prayer and remove from me every form of lukewarmness and complacency in Jesus name.
- Beloved holy spirit put the right words on my lips that I will not pray amiss but make effective prayers in Jesus name.
- Lion of Judah, make me a fierce vessel for spiritual battles so that I can record victory in every battle in Jesus name.
LUKE 18:1 “Then He spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart” (NKJV).
- I command in the Name of Jesus, let the spirit of prayer come upon me now amen.
- I receive grace by the power of the Holy Ghost to pray always in Jesus name Amen.
- I decree and declare in the name of Jesus, consistency in my prayer life amen.
- Father in the name of Jesus, I receive the strength and power to pray always and not to lose heart amen.
- Open my eyes ancient of days to see the victories you have granted me through prayers in Jesus name.
- May my prayers come to you as sweet smelling savor oh God.